Kapua's Own Potent Brewing Process with Crushed Leaves and a hint of Cinnamon and Citrus Potentiators.
Bali White Lightn’
Crushed Leaf
Energy and Focus
Indo Green Dragon
Crushed Leaf
Anxiety, Pain Relief
Borneo Red Dawn
Crushed Leaf
Relaxation and Pain Relief
Kapua's Own Blend of Green, Red and White Kratom Leaf Brewed with Exotic Fruit Enhanced Teas.
Blue Lotus Flower with Indo Green Kratom Leaves
Our Fresh Blue Lotus Flower Brewed with Indo Green Kratom Leaves Creates a Potent Relaxing Psychoactive Aphrodisiac for the Senses and Beyond.
*No products are meant to diagnose, treat or prevent any illness. If you are taking medications, consult a doctor before taking any herbs.
Kratom Elixirs
Refreshing Lemonade and Lavender, Blended
with Potent Kratom, Kava and Blue Lotus Extracts. (Not For Beginners)
"This Drinks the Bomb, Yo!"
Watermelon Slide Shooter
Juicy Watermelon and Lemonade with a KICK of Indo Kratom Extract
Guava Momma
Green Vein Kratom Tea Blended with Fresh Guava Juice and Kava “Lift” Extract. The most delicious mood elevation you’ve ever tasted.
Deja Vu
Fresh Blue Lotus Flower, Brewed with Indo Green Kratom Leaves, Lemon and Kava Lift! A Delightfully Potent and Relaxing Aphrodisiac. (Not for Beginners)
Borneo Sunset
8oz. Borneo Red with Kava Boost and Tropical Juices
Maeng-o Tango
8oz. Maeng Da Kratom Tea with Gold Reserve Extract Boost, Mango & Citrus. (Not for Beginners)
Rip Tide
A potent blend of Kratom strains, extracts, herbal teas and tropical fruits. (Not For Beginners)
Delta 8 (25mg) $4.00
Indo Kratom Extract $5.50
Kava Lift $3.50
Extreme Kava Extract $5.50
*No products are meant to diagnose, treat or prevent any illness. If you are taking medications, consult a doctor before taking any herbs.